Extension Leadership
The Kentucky Cooperative Extension service is dependent upon the broad-based participation of local citizens. That involvement is accomplished through the Extension advisory council system.
The Extension Council is the primary organization representing the people of the county in direction of the total extension program. It is an organized body of volunteer leaders that counsels with Extension agents in the identification of local problems and issues, assists in program implementation, participates in determining program success and communicates program accomplishments and funding needs to decision makers. In addition, the council provides advice, recommendations and assistance to the Extension Board for use in making business and fiscal matter decisions for the overall well being of the people and the communities in the Extension District. In Grant County, approximately 40 men and women from Grant County work with Extension agents as council members. These leaders of the community represent all major program areas including Agriculture, 4-H Youth Development, Family and Consumer Sciences and Community Development. The Extension Council meets on a quarterly.
Grant County Extension Council Officers
Chairman: Stanley Riley
Vice-Chairman: Dorothy Altman
Secretary: Linda Evans
The Extension District Board is an agency of the state to function with authority for making fiscal and financial decisions for the Extension District in cooperation with the University of Kentucky. The District Board is composed of the county judge executive and six other citizens residing within the Extension District. District Board members are nominated from the Extension Council membership and serve a three year term.
Grant County Extension District Board
Randy Middleton
Linda Evans
Carolyn Thompson
Linda Lawrence
Dorothy Altman
Stanley Riley
Judge Executive - Steve Wood
The Extension Homemaker Council consists of officers and chairmen for the Grant County Homemakers organization. The Homemakers Board and advisory council meet on a monthly basis at our extension office. The goal of the Homemakers is to gain new knowledge and skills that improve the quality of life for themselves and their families.
Grant County Extension Homemakers Council
President: Jean Huff
Vice-President: Marlene McComas
Secretary: Judy Jackson
Treasurer: Mary Fields
Past President: Linda Evans
Grant County 4-H Council
The 4-H Council has a critical role to play in program development, implementation and evaluation. The Council works for the good of the total 4-H program in the county while honoring and respecting each young person who participates
President: Marianne Smith
Vice-President: Cheryl Neeley
Treasurer: Melissa Patti
Secretary: Amber Gaskill